Sunday, May 24, 2009

Patrol Robot: Continue E-Stop Challenge

Today I finished the last of the continue phase for the patrol robot. In this section, the challenge was to create a robot that would stop when there is a loud noise. This would be useful in the real world if someone yelled stop and the robot would be able to stop. This challenge was fairly easy for me because I had already completed the emergency stop anytime activity with Kenny. To do this, I had to drag another program beam from the beginning of the program and put in a wait for sound sensor block, a stop move block and a stop block. At the bottom of the page, it had a segment on the calibrate block so I looked into it and it seems to be a pretty useful block. This block can recalibrate the sensors mid-program to compensate for motor noise or background noise. To do this, I put the calibrate block in after the motor block to account for any noise from the motor.

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