Thursday, January 22, 2009

Full Speed Ahead

In the full speed ahead lab, we learned how to make our robot move forward. this was not without a few glitches along the way. we learned that we could not just put one forward motor block. that would make the robot turn in circles because only one motor was working. We then added the second motor forward block and the turn motors off after 2 rotations. this made the robot move forward but stop gradually. This is not what we wanted. We then added a stop block afterwards to make sure the robot stopped instantly. With the program writing software, i discovered that you had to place a brick right next to the other to make a block work. Also, you had to calibrate the settings to get the right motor to turn and for how long you wanted it too. We also attempted to get the NXT to connect to the computer via bluetooth but we could not figure out how to get the programs to send so we ended up using the cable and pressing the download button.


  1. Well thought out post on "full speed ahead" - step-by-step + details/explanation.
    There's bound to be problems with our experiments/activity, so we have to except and learn from them, which you and your group did.
    im also curious how the bluetooth works.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I can clearly and easily see that, you completed full speed ahead, with thoughts, and efforts. I really encourage that you examined the actions of robots, and programming. Moreover, as keep making a mistake in programming, I can see that you fixed your mistakes, and trying to get complete programming.

    First, your taskbot did not go straight, and keep rotating. As you said, it is because, we only put 'move icon' to the right motor, which means that only right wheel moved.

    Second, you then put 'move icon' to the left motor, and made a left wheel to move. However, it keep moving forward, and did not stop instantly.

    Last, after examined that your taskbot did not stop instantly, you recognized that you need to put "stop icon", in order to stop the taskbot instantly.

    You needed to recognize the mistake, and know how to fix, in order to go to next step. Which is same as what I did. We took three steps, in order to make a complete program. It takes time, and sometimes hard, but yet fun.

    I really encourage your efforts, and hope you do better in next task.
