Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Chapter 1

In chapter 1, I learned that the Lego Technic bricks are very different from the original lego bricks. the new lego bricks offer the option of putting in beams, which has the potential to greatly reduce the weight and amount of peices needed to build your robot. I also learned that lego builders express the lise of Legos with 3 numbers that represent the width, length, and height. Width and length are expressed in studs (the circle looking things on top of the bricks). Another important fact about the Lego cube is that height and width are not proportional. the height is bigger by a factor of 1.2. A plate is a normal brick but with 1/3 of the height. I also learned that studs have a 5:6 ratio with the normal lego bricks. So every 6 bricks, the beam will line up with the holes. Another important note is that i finished my taskbot with minimal glitches so by tomorrow, i should have it up and running hopefully with a few programs.


  1. Good summsry about chapter 1 I like the way you explain the measurments of the diffrent kind of lego bricks I also like the way you compare between the two diffrent lego. You had a good explanation on the advantages of using technic beams instead of traditional bricks. But overall it was a good summary.

  2. i like the fact that you compared the different types of lego that have started back in the day and how they've been upgraded and became better, and also the ratios that are used.

  3. When I read your post, I can clearly see that you read Ch.1, and understood everything. It is true that TECHNIC bricks lets us to build very different LEGO. Moreover, this very different LEGO allows us to build more complexed and functional LEGO.

    In my post, I did not post any exact differences between normal brick and TECHNIC brick. And I really like the part where you compare the differences between two bricks.

    Good Job !!!
