Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Day 2 of Obstacle Course

After last class, I stayed and worked on my program and robot. Now, Ive got my robot design with all the sensors attached but im having some stabilization issues with the wheels. I think if I add a rod to them, it should stabilize them. Program wise, ive got everything up until avoiding the obstacle. I think today, ill be able to get the basic programming down which will leave me with tweaking it next class. Im hoping to finish early to get a few extra bonus points.

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed with your progress today. I see that by changing your wheels to the wide-flat surface your robot's movements are much more controlled.

    Good work with problem solving the obstacle detection in the final leg of the course. You have almost finished your main programming phase of the challenge. Soon it will be time to fine tune the program and robot.
