Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Chapter 2: Gears

Gears serve many purposes on a robot. they can make your robot go fast, they can make your robot have a lot of torque (power), or you can make it go somewhere in between. The terminology used is driven gear and driving gear. the driving gear is the one attached to the motor. The driven gear is gear attached to the wheel. to find the gear ratio, you must divide the number of teeth on the driven gear by the number of teeth on the driving gear. If the gear ratio is below one, the robot will go faster with less power than if it had a gear ratio of one. If the gear ratio is above one, the robot will go slower than a ratio of 1 but it will have more power. Also, if you need a lot of power or a lot of speed, you can make a geartrain which connects different gears. If a geartrian is used, it multiplies the ratio of the first gear by the ratio of the second set of gears. There are gears called bevel gears which are helpful in changing the direction of the force. This is good if you dont have room for the wheel but you do in another spot. Another topic discussed in this chapter is pulleys. Pulleys can be used to lift an object and they can work the same way as gears. You can get more power or more speed dependent on the size. This is what was discussed in Chapter 2.

1 comment:

  1. First of all, I like the picture you posted. It easily shows me what is the topic of this post. Also, I like the way, which you put two different sizes of gears. I think it will help you to describe about the gear ratio.

    Ok, your summary is perfect. It tells every important information about the Chapter. As you said, when the Gear ratio is more than 1, then the robot will get slow, and when the ratio is less than 1, then the robot will get faster. My answer and your answer is exactly same, and I do not think, there is problem in our answer.

    Last of all, I liked where you talk about various kinds of gears, and ways to improve the robot. For example, bevel gears, about pulley, making the robot stronger.

    I hope you keep your excellent efforts and work
