Monday, February 2, 2009

“Hello World, My Name Is…”

In this lab, we are creating a traditional program called "Hello world, my name is...". This is a tradition in programming where new programmers create a program where something pops up on the screen and says Hello World, My Name is..... This is done using the display blocks on the NXT programming software. We also programmed the robot to play a sound after moving forward 2 rotations, then playing a victory song after reversing 2 rotations. At the end of the lab, I made a program where after a clap, the robot displays a sad face and plays a sad sound (this is what is shown in the picture). I also did a test with 3 different people to find out if they could guess the mood of the robot and 2 got it exactly and 1 person got it very close. Using the display block, you can put in faces, words, or pictures. This can be useful to help your robot display emotion or communicate with the outside world. In the future, i will add sounds to my robot to help me figure out what part of the program is running. Also, I will use displays to keep my robot lively and display emotions after completing or failing a task.


  1. Great summary!
    u've basically answered everything.
    sound does help us alot, as it notifies us of activities or errors that the program runs.


  2. I think your investigation towards "Hello world, My name is" is really good.

    It clearly tells me, how you started the lab and what you observed through out the lab.
    You have mentioned everything, and this mentioning helps me to imagine what you did and what you saw from your eyes.

    I also liked the part, whether you tested with 3 more people, and just did not stop by once. By testing with 3 different people, you have gained more knowledge about the NXT, and I think, this improved you more.

    I hope you keep investigating the lab, and hopes that your robot will stay alive and emotional.
